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Science and religion

Science and religion

विण्णए समागम्म धम्मसाहणमिच्छिउं

Instruments of religion and science must meet together

Instruments of religion must be in agreement with science and instruments of science with religion. Thus, religion must get related with science; both should be in agreement. Both should fulfill each other, become associated, and not oppose each other. Responsibility of this lies with the scientists and religious persons also. Continue reading “Science and religion” »

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Keep the faith intact

Keep the faith intact

जाए सद्धाए निक्खंते,
तमेव अणुपालेज्जा विजहित्ता विसोत्तियं

Leaving aside doubts, the faith with which initiation has been taken, should be kept intact

The path of devotion is strewn more with sharp thorns than flowers. Therefore, an aspirant has to face many troubles in between. Sometimes, frustrated with them he loses his path. Continue reading “Keep the faith intact” »

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Best penance

Best penance

तवेसु वा उत्तमं बंभचेरं

Chastity is the best penance

Exercise of forbearance against various hardships for the purpose of self-development and realization of self only is penance. Two types of penances have been referred in the scriptures – external and internal penances. Continue reading “Best penance” »

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Four restraints

Four restraints

चउव्विहे संजमे – मणसंजमे,
वइसंजमे, कायसंजमे, उवगरणसंजमे

Restraint are of four types – restrain of mind, speech, body and instruments

As the sea does not cross its limits, so also saints and sadhus do not cross their limits. To observe restraint only is their rectitude. Continue reading “Four restraints” »

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One better than another

One better than another

सूरं मण्णइ अप्पाणं,
जाव जेयं न पस्सति

Man believes himself brave until he does not see the conqueror

This world is full of people all around, who are one better than the other. Someone is better in beauty, someone in education, someone in wealth and someone in power. Continue reading “One better than another” »

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Well-vowed attains moksha

Well vowed attains moksha

भिक्खाए वा गिहत्थे वा,
सुव्वह गम्मई दिवं

Whether he is an ascetic or a family man, one who keeps his vows well attains moksha

It is not necessary that the one who is a family man would not attain moksha or one who has renounced home, will surely attain. Continue reading “Well-vowed attains moksha” »

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Pain of a sinner

Pain of a sinner

सकम्मुणा किच्चइ पावकारी

A sinner is distressed because of his own karma only

A thief is alert from all sides. He walks very carefully. He is constantly afraid of being caught red handed and seen by someone. Thus, he is always troubled with the pain of fear. And on being caught he suffers pain of body or going to jail. Continue reading “Pain of a sinner” »

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The foundation of good conduct

The foundation of good conduct

नादंसणिस्स नाणं, नाणेण विणा न होंति चरणगुणा

Without right perception, knowledge is not acquired and without knowledge right conduct is not possible

If the perception is not right, then man cannot acquire right knowledge; and until perception be right, truth cannot be discovered and for this it is necessary that he himself should be right. Before the right knowledge one must have right perception. Continue reading “The foundation of good conduct” »

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Pain creator

Pain creator

सव्वे कामा दुहावहा

All desires are painful

Here, ‘kama’ does not mean deed; it means third type of exertion. In Hindi, it conveys both the meanings. In this maxim, the renunciation of desires is advised and the reason given is painfulness of desires. Continue reading “Pain creator” »

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Deceitful lies

Deceitful lies

सादियं न मुसं बूया

Lies should not be uttered with deceitful mind

To lie is bad; but the intensity of lie cannot be determined until its objective and purpose is not known. Continue reading “Deceitful lies” »

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