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The detached aspirant

The detached aspirant

विरता हु न लग्गंति,
जहा से सुक्कगोलए

As a ball made of dry mud, detached aspirant is not attached

If a ball made of wet mud is thrown at a wall, then it gets adhered to it because attribute of water present in it makes it stick. Continue reading “The detached aspirant” »

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Scriptures and religious conduct

Scriptures and religious conduct

दुविहे धम्मे-सुयधम्मे चेव चरित्तधम्मे चेव

Religion has two forms – scriptural (knowledge of reality) and conduct (morality)

When a mother cries – complains that her son does not listen to her, then does she cry for his deafness? Or does the son not have the ears to listen? Does he not have the sense of hearing? He has that entire faculty. Mother’s complaint is that whatever she says, the son does not obey. Because he does not do whatever she says, it is said that he does not listen. Continue reading “Scriptures and religious conduct” »

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Wish for quality growth

Wish for quality growth

कङ्खे गुणे जाव सरीरभेऊ

Until you are not dead, wish for quality growth

Until body is not deceased i.e. not dead, we should incessantly strive to excel ourselves.

Everyone desires for sense gratification but wise men aspire for value growth. Continue reading “Wish for quality growth” »

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Blood stains cannot be washed with blood

Blood stains cannot be washed with blood

रुहिरकयस्स वत्थस्स रुहिरेणं चेव
पक्खालिज्जमाणस्स णत्थि सोही

Blood smeared cloth be washed only with blood, then it is not washed cleanly.

Fire cannot be extinguished with fire. If a dog were to bite us then its remedy cannot be that we also bite the dog. Similarly, we cannot repay abuse with abuse and exchange blows with blows. Continue reading “Blood stains cannot be washed with blood” »

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Obeisance to Acharyas

Obeisance to Acharyas

जत्थेव धम्मायरियं पासेज्जा,
तत्थेव वंदिज्जा नमंसिज्जा

Wherever Acharyas are seen, there only we should pay our obeisance and respect

Acharyas are those who inspire conduct and they become inspired, for the venerable. Continue reading “Obeisance to Acharyas” »

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Bondage of Attachment

Bondage of Attachment

ममत्तं छिंदए ताए, महानागोव्व कंचुयं

A spiritual aspirant should break up the bondage of attachment like the serpent which relinquishes its skin

On the body of the serpent, there is thin perforated skin, which falls away every year. Like the serpent which is not attached to the skin though living with it for a year and as the year passes by, he immediately leaves that and goes elsewhere; similarly, the aspirant aspiring for self-development abandons family, home, valuable clothes, ornaments etc., and goes elsewhere takes diksha (becomes a Sadhu). Continue reading “Bondage of Attachment” »

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Eyes are needed

Eyes are needed

सूरोदये पासति चक्खुणेव

Even after sunrise, one needs eyes to see

Even if a mirror were there, a blind man cannot see his face. To see one’s face eyes are required. Continue reading “Eyes are needed” »

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Relinquish sensuality

Relinquish sensuality

कामाणुगिद्धिप्पभवं खु दुक्खं

It can be said with certainty that misery arises due to sensuality.

Where is misery born? It takes birth in the space of desires; on the land of wishes. Where there are desires, wishes for acquiring different objects, how can peace reign there? Continue reading “Relinquish sensuality” »

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Renunciation of the world

Renunciation of the world

भवतण्हा लया वुत्ता, भीमा भीमफलोदया

Craving for the world is like the frightful creeper which gives horrible results

Craving or attachment for the world is like a creeper, a terrible creeper on which awful fruits grow. Continue reading “Renunciation of the world” »

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Done-Not done

Done Not done

कडं कडेत्ति भासेज्जा, अकडं नो कडेत्ति य

What has been done should be said as done; and what has not been done should be said as not done

Through this maxim, the meaning of true nature of word has been explained. The work done in the presence of guru with humility is ‘done’ and that which has not been done is ‘not done.’ Continue reading “Done-Not done” »

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