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Four restraints

Four restraints

चउव्विहे संजमे – मणसंजमे,
वइसंजमे, कायसंजमे, उवगरणसंजमे

Restraint are of four types – restrain of mind, speech, body and instruments

As the sea does not cross its limits, so also saints and sadhus do not cross their limits. To observe restraint only is their rectitude. Continue reading “Four restraints” »

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In this life only

In this life only

इहलोगे सुचिण्णा कम्मा
इहलोगे सुहफल विवाग संजुत्ता भवन्ति

In this world, good deeds done here, yield good results here only

One who donates and does not boasts, he gets fame; people call him benevolent. His magnanimity is praised everywhere. Continue reading “In this life only” »

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In the other world

In the other world

इहलोगे सुचिण्णा कम्मा परलोगे
सुहफल विवाग संजुत्ता भवन्ति

Good work done here yields happiness in the other world

The fruits of good work not available here, would be got in the next life. Continue reading “In the other world” »

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Avoid speaking too much

Avoid speaking too much

मोहरिए सच्चवयणस्स पलिमत्थू

Over speaking harms the truth

One who speaks too much cannot keep any thing secret; therefore, it has been considered as worth abandoning. One more reason of its abandoning is that it harms the truth. Continue reading “Avoid speaking too much” »

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Four followers (sravakas)

Four followers (sravakas)

चत्तारि समणोवासगा-अद्दागसमाणे,
पडागसमाणे, ठाणुसमाणे, खरकंटगसमाणे

Devotees are of four kinds: like a mirror (of pure heart), like a flag (with a fickle mind), like a stump (perverted) and like a thorn (abusive)

Faithfuls who believe in Sadhus and worship them are called devotees or sravakas. Continue reading “Four followers (sravakas)” »

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Scriptures and religious conduct

Scriptures and religious conduct

दुविहे धम्मे-सुयधम्मे चेव चरित्तधम्मे चेव

Religion has two forms – scriptural (knowledge of reality) and conduct (morality)

When a mother cries – complains that her son does not listen to her, then does she cry for his deafness? Or does the son not have the ears to listen? Does he not have the sense of hearing? He has that entire faculty. Mother’s complaint is that whatever she says, the son does not obey. Because he does not do whatever she says, it is said that he does not listen. Continue reading “Scriptures and religious conduct” »

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सव्वत्थ भगवया अनियाणया पसत्था

Lord Mahavira has praised selflessness everywhere

Unselfishness is essential for the purity of work. The wish for gain and selfishness spoils the work. We will surely get the fruit but should not do any work in the hope of getting its benefits. Continue reading “Selflessness” »

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Four sons

Four sons

चत्तारि सुता-अतिजाते,
अणुजाते, अवजाते, कुलिंगाले

Sons are of four kinds — atijata, anujata, avajata and kulangara

Few sons are such that they possess more than their father’s attributes; they are called ‘atijata suta’. Continue reading “Four sons” »

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Reasons of quality loss

Reasons of quality loss

चउहिं ठाणेहिं सन्ते गुणे नासेज्जा कोहेणं,
पडिनिवेसेणं, अकयण्णुयाए, मिच्छत्ताभिनिवेसेणं

Inherent qualities of a man are lost due to four reasons : anger, envy, ingratitude and perversion

Some reasons are such, which cause the loss of inherent attributes. First among them is – anger. This makes the man lose his discretion, he gets perplexed. Continue reading “Reasons of quality loss” »

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