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Beginning End

Beginning End

सरीरं सादियं सनिधणं

Body has a beginning as well as an end

In this world, all substances can be divided into four categories:
1. Beginningless infinite
2. Beginningless with an end
3. With beginning and infinite
4. With beginning and an end
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Greed and restlessness

Greed and restlessness

लद्धो लोलो भणेज्ज अलियं

Greedy and restless speak lies

Not to say about a thing, as exactly as that is, is untrue speech – it is a lie. Who speaks the lie? Answering this question, it has been said that the one who is greedy, he speaks lies to fulfill his cravings. Cravings are never fulfilled – this is a fact; but remaining ignorant of this, the greedy, throughout his life is always trying to fulfill his desires. He never gets success in this; still, he constantly runs after and is ready to speak lies at every step. Continue reading “Greed and restlessness” »

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अहिंसा तसथावरसव्वभूयखेमंकरी

Non-violence is benevolent for all the living beings, mobile and immobile

Living beings are of two kinds – 1. Siddhas, who have annihilated all their karma and 2. Worldly, who are attached with karma. Continue reading “Benevolent” »

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Ideal speech

Ideal speech

सच्चं च हियं च मियं च गाहणं च

Speak what is true, benevolent, concise and understandable

Those men who are not dumb, as per normal behavior, they need to speak something or other every day to make others understand what is in their mind, and to understand what is in others mind. In this aphorism, four characteristics of a gentleman’s speech have been enumerated:- Continue reading “Ideal speech” »

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Neither satisfaction, nor contentment

Neither satisfaction, nor contentment

देवावि सइंदगा न तित्तिं न तुट्ठिं उवलभन्ति

Gods (devatas including Indras, their chief, who live in the heavens) also are neither satisfied nor contented with sense gratification

There are five organs of senses and their objects are different. Throughout life, man runs after acquisition of these objects. Having satisfied one sense, he struggles to satisfy the second sense and after that the third and the fourth and the fifth respectively. Continue reading “Neither satisfaction, nor contentment” »

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Useless violence

Useless violence

अट्ठा हणंति, अणट्ठा हणंति

Some people commit violence with some aim and some aimlessly

It is the habit of many people to simply uproot a plant while walking and throw that away, to pick a flower and crush that, to break the branch of the tree, keep it in their hand for sometime and then throw that away. Many ladies are such that while standing they go on scrapping the earth with their toe. Thus, purposelessly, violence is committed on the vegetables and the earth. Continue reading “Useless violence” »

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Detachment and self-dependence

Detachment and self dependence

पोक्खरपत्तं इव निरुवलेवे,
आगासं चेव निरवलंबे

An aspirant must be unattached as the lotus leaf and independent as the sky

Lotus is born in the water and grows there only but water drop does not affect it, does not get attached. Like the lotus which lives in water yet is not affected by it; similarly, Sadhu though living in the world remains always unaffected, unattached. Continue reading “Detachment and self-dependence” »

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Truth is God

Truth is God

तं सच्चं भगवं

Truth only is god

Bhagwan, Iswara, God, Allaha, Khuda etc. are different names of Paramatma (Supreme Soul). In the world, Paramatma only is established at the topmost. However, different philosophers have different views on how is that Paramatma, what is his nature? Continue reading “Truth is God” »

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Ask and then take

Ask and then take

अणुविय गेण्हियव्वं

Anything must be taken with permission only

Taking anything without asking and using that is a type of theft. Jokingly, few people hide friends’ things and while he is disturbed and searches for that, they laugh and return the same to him. Continue reading “Ask and then take” »

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Goddess Ahimsa

Goddess Ahimsa

भगवती अहिंसा…. भीयाणं पि व सरणं

Goddess Ahimsa is like refuge for the fearful

A troubled fearful man looks for his safety to a strong man for refuge. After getting refuge the refugee gets contented, becomes fearless; similarly, after getting the refuge of goddess Ahimsa also, man becomes contented and fearless. Continue reading “Goddess Ahimsa” »

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