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Love for praise

Love for praise

कसोक्खेहिं सद्देहिं पेमं नाभिनिवेसए

Do not be attached to the charming words pleasing to ears

If we do good work then people will surely praise us. Words of admiration are delightful and people like listening those words, but we should not be attached to words, which are ear pleasing; otherwise, it is possible that dupers may dupe us. Continue reading “Love for praise” »

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Simplicity and contentment

Simplicity and contentment

माया मज्जवभावेणं,
लोहं सन्तोसओ जिणे

Win deceit with simplicity and greed with contentment

Simplicity and evil are opposite words. People have unshakable faith on a simple person and total disbelief on the crooked. Where there is trust, love is there only; and where there is love, only there is happiness. Continue reading “Simplicity and contentment” »

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Greed destroys all

Greed destroys all

लोहो सव्वविणासणो

Greed destroys all

Anger destroys love, pride destroys humility, deceit or cheating destroys friends; but greed destroys all. It annihilates all virtues. Continue reading “Greed destroys all” »

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What will an ignorant do ?

What will an ignorant do ?

अन्नाणी किं काही, किं जानाहि सेयपावगं

What will an ignorant man do, how will he understand virtue and vice?

Understanding of substance (dravya), attributes (guna) and change (paryaya) is called knowledge. Absence of knowledge is ignorance. It is of three kinds – part, total and emotional. Continue reading “What will an ignorant do ?” »

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Destroyer of love

Destroyer of love

कोहो पीइं पणासेइ

Anger demolishes love

Love and anger do not stay together at any place. When anger is there, love will not be there and where love will be, anger will not be there. Both are opposite of each other, killer of one another. Continue reading “Destroyer of love” »

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Do not get irritated

Do not get irritated

थोवं लद्धुं न खिंसए

Do not get irritated at getting less

Question – Is it better not to get anything or to get something? Then you will get the answer, ‘It is better to get something;’ but some people are such that they do not like to accept anything in piece or part. They want the thing in full; therefore, they are unhappy at getting anything in parts. This maxim is for the education of such people. Continue reading “Do not get irritated” »

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Speak not if doubtful

Speak not if doubtful

जत्थ संका भवे तं तु,
एवमेयं ति नो वए

If you are doubtful on any subject then do not say ‘this is this only’

Doubt is such a mental tendency that makes us realize our shortcomings or ignorance. We feel ashamed and anguished at our ignorance. For acquiring the knowledge of scriptures; when we worship the Acharyas or gurus; then also we have to bear their harsh words. Continue reading “Speak not if doubtful” »

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Be humble

Be humble

माणं मद्दवया जिणे

Overcome the pride with modesty

Storm uproots big large trees but can do no harm to the grass spread over the earth. Why is this so? Trees keep standing in their arrogance whereas grass is humble i.e. it has humility. Because of arrogance, trees are uprooted whereas due to meekness grass remain as it is. It shows the path to the conceited people as to how they should behave. Continue reading “Be humble” »

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Respected disciple

Respected disciple

जो छंदमाराहयइ स पुज्जो

One who understands and obeys the signs is respected

That disciple who fulfills the heart-felt wish of the guru not only when told but also when he understands and implements the wishes of his guru expressed through subtle signs is praiseworthy, respectable. Continue reading “Respected disciple” »

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Speak not, if asked not

Speak not, if asked not

अपुच्छिओ न भासेज्जा, भासमाणस्स अन्तरा

Without permission, one should not speak in between

Courtesy demands that the listener should keep quiet until the speech of the speaker is not completed. This principle is to be particularly borne in mind when deliberation or disputation is going on. Continue reading “Speak not, if asked not” »

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