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Doer enjoyer

अप्पा कत्ता विकत्ता य, दुहाण या सुहाण च

Self only is the doer and experiencer of happiness and unhappiness

Pleasure and pain are the consequence of one’s own deeds; not of others.

We create happiness for ourselves when we do auspicious work and unhappiness when we do evil. Thus, we ourselves are responsible for our happiness and unhappiness. Continue reading “Doer-enjoyer” »

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Do not loose temper

Do not loose temper

अणुसासिओ न कुप्पिज्ज

Discipline should not make you angry

Parents and gurus are elder to us and more experienced. They always try to reform us, keep us away from evil path and continuously try to lead us on the virtuous path. In this connection they criticize us many times, tell our mistakes and advice us to keep away from them. A repeated mistake invites their censure and criticism. Continue reading “Do not loose temper” »

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Restraint and Happiness

Restraint and Happiness

अप्पं दंतो सुही होई,
अस्सिं लोए परत्थ य

One who controls self; he only gets happiness in this world and the next

Restraint is the source of happiness. Controlling all the mental propensity is restraint. Mental tendencies are fickle – momentary. Who can keep control over them? Continue reading “Restraint and Happiness” »

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Neither language, nor intellect

Neither language, nor intellect

न चित्ता तायए भासा
कुओ विज्जाणुसासणं

Ornamental languages can also not shield (one with misconduct from his lowly birth) then what can be said about intelligence

There is lot of difference between the knowledge of languages and discipline of education. One may know only one language, still he can be a scholar; someone else may know many languages, yet be a fool. Knowledge is not enhanced by knowledge of languages. Continue reading “Neither language, nor intellect” »

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Loss of beauty

Loss of beauty

वण्णं जरा हरइ नरस्स रायं

O king! Old age destroys man’s beauty

How handsome does a baby look? Without beard, moustaches, worry, sadness, cruelty, fear, deceit, arrogance, simple and innocent behavior, smiling face and muscular body! Crying in a moment and laughing in another. Continue reading “Loss of beauty” »

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Who is a friend, foe ?

Who is a friend, foe ?

अप्पा मित्तममित्तं य, सुप्पट्ठियदुप्पट्ठियो

Virtue-inclined soul is a friend, vice-inclined foe

Our soul itself is a friend if it is virtue-inclined i.e. devoted to good conduct and our own soul itself is a foe if it is vice-inclined i.e.disposed to misconduct. Continue reading “Who is a friend, foe ?” »

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पा समिक्खए धम्मं

Wisdom only can judge religion

It was Mahavira only, who, two thousand and five hundred years before, through this maxim, proclaimed the efficacy of intelligence. Continue reading “Wisdom” »

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Benefits of forgiving

Benefits of forgiving

खमावणयाएणं पल्हायणभावं जणयइ

Happiness emerges out of forgiving

If someone offends us, we are capable of punishing him but instead of punishing him we pardon him, let him free then both the offender and the one against whom offence was committed would feel happy. Continue reading “Benefits of forgiving” »

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Wealth cannot protect an unvigilant man

Wealth cannot protect an unvigilant man

वित्तेण ताणं न लभे पमत्ते,
इमम्मि लोए अदु वा परत्था

Through wealth an unvigilant man cannot protect himself, either in this world or another

We are protected by valor or courage, not by cowardliness. Continue reading “Wealth cannot protect an unvigilant man” »

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Work on time

Work on time

काले कालं समायरे

At proper time, appropriate work must be done

We do drink water when we are hungry and do not eat when we are thirsty; because that is inappropriate. Similarly, to eat at time of play, and to study at time of eating or play at the time of studying is also inappropriate. Continue reading “Work on time” »

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