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Undefeated enemy

Undefeated enemy

एगप्पा अजिए सत्तू

An unrestrained soul is unconquerable.

Who is our enemy? The one whom we believe to be is our enemy. Right, but if we do not believe in enmity, then all will be our friends. Continue reading “Undefeated enemy” »

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Clearing of the Karma dust

Clearing of the Karma dust

विहुणाहि रयं पुरे कडं

Clear the karma-dust accumulated in the past

Before sitting at any place, even a dog cleans it. This tendency teaches us that living beings like cleanliness. If we do not wash our clothes, then how dirty they become? How much dirty the dress looks? We do not like to even sit along with a person wearing dirty dress. Similarly, we dislike dirty body, dirty home, and dirty things. We want that everything, which comes into our contact, must be clean. Continue reading “Clearing of the Karma dust” »

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Benefits of Self-study

Benefits of Self study

सज्झाएणं नाणावरणिज्जं कम्मं खवेइ

Knowledge-covering karma is annihilated by self-study

Ordinary meaning of svadhyaya is – study of scriptures inspired by the detached or the ones, who have conquered attachment. With this, those karma are destroyed which cover the knowledge. As much we go on studying, so much would the knowledge covering karma will be eradicated and slowly-slowly, we would attain total knowledge or omniscience. Continue reading “Benefits of Self-study” »

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Birth of forgiveness

Birth of forgiveness

कोहविजएणं खंतिं जणयइ

Victory over anger is the father of forgiveness

Guilty wishes how good it would be if he were forgiven for the wrong committed. If the sinner were ashamed of his wrong doings – really repenting heartily to the offence committed then he should surely be forgiven. Continue reading “Birth of forgiveness” »

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Life and body

Life and body

जीवियं चेव रूवं च, विज्जुसंपाय चंचलं

Life and body are fickle like lightening

Life is momentary. It is not sure that the breath, which is being exhaled, will also come back or not. This life is as fickle as lightening. As it shines for a moment and then vanishes, so also is the life that stays for sometime and then ends. Therefore, until life is there we should use the same for benevolence. Continue reading “Life and body” »

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How should the speech be ?

How should the speech be ?

भासियव्वं हियं सच्चं

Benevolent and true must be spoken

Whatever we speak should be for the good of self and others. If it does not happen this way, then we should think that our speech had been wasted. If the students, who have not learnt their lesson are beaten in the class, then on any other day, when they have not learnt their lesson, they think – ‘Never mind, guruji will slap only. We will bear that.’ This way beating will result in their becoming impudent and inclination to learn their lessons would not rise. Instead of this, if they are lovingly made to understand the harm accrued in not learning their lessons daily, they can be encouraged to memorize their lessons regularly. Continue reading “How should the speech be ?” »

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Study of Vedas

Study of Vedas

वेया अहीया न भवन्ति ताणं

Study of vedas cannot protect

To believe that a particular person who has studied Vedas is respected, venerable and pure is a delusion. Why? I am saying this because respectability, regard and venerability is associated with good conduct, renunciation, benevolence, good conduct and other virtues; not with the study of Vedas. Continue reading “Study of Vedas” »

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Penance is difficult

Penance is difficult

असिधारागमणं चेव, दुक्करं चरिउं तवो

Penance is as difficult as walking on the edge of a sword.

Penance is of two types – internal and external. External is seen. Therefore, it makes the practitioner famous quickly; but internal penance does not earn him fame so fast. Continue reading “Penance is difficult” »

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Sinful Sadhu

Sinful Sadhu

सुच्चा पिच्चा सुहं सुवइ पावसमणे त्ति वुच्चइ

One who sleeps after eating and drinking is called a sinful Sadhu

Food is for preparing oneself for life’s journey, to keep the strength of body intact; but the success of life is not keeping the strength intact but in its proper use. Continue reading “Sinful Sadhu” »

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Doer enjoyer

अप्पा कत्ता विकत्ता य, दुहाण या सुहाण च

Self only is the doer and experiencer of happiness and unhappiness

Pleasure and pain are the consequence of one’s own deeds; not of others.

We create happiness for ourselves when we do auspicious work and unhappiness when we do evil. Thus, we ourselves are responsible for our happiness and unhappiness. Continue reading “Doer-enjoyer” »

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