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Self conquest

सव्वं अप्पे जिए जियं

By winning the self you can win all

Self-conquest means winning the mind -controlling the mental tendencies. Continue reading “Self-conquest” »

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Rarity of true wisdom

Rarity of true wisdom

बहुकम्मलेवलित्ताणं बोही
होइ सुदुल्लहा तेसिं

Those souls who are too much attached with karma, enlightenment is very rare

Every worldly soul is attached with karma. Depending on the density of attachment of karma, one remains that much away from right knowledge. Continue reading “Rarity of true wisdom” »

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Where does religion stay ?

Where does religion stay ?

सोही उज्जुअभूयस्स, धम्मो सुद्धस्स चिट्ठइ

A simple soul can get pure and in the pure soul only religion stays

One who is simple, his soul only is pure. Opposite to this, one who is crooked, his soul being pure, is not possible. Continue reading “Where does religion stay ?” »

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Maharshi and restraint

Maharshi and restraint

अणुए नावणए महेसी,
न यावि पूयं, गरिहं च संजए

One who does not get conceited even when venerated and does not feel low when censured; he is restraint, maharshi

Who is maharshi? One who has no pride, no low self esteem. Who is restraint? One who is equi-poised when praised and even when criticized? Continue reading “Maharshi and restraint” »

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Desistance – Propensity

Desistance   Propensity

असंजमे नियत्तिं च, संजमे य पवत्तणं

Desist from unrestraint and cultivate restraint

Every living being is active. He is disposed to good or bad activities. Continue reading “Desistance – Propensity” »

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Humility in the wise

Humility in the wise

नच्चा नमइ मेहावी

With the knowledge, wise man becomes humble

The branches of fruit laden trees bow down; similarly, those who are knowledgeable, they become humble. Continue reading “Humility in the wise” »

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Do not harass

Do not harass

न य वि त्तासए परं

Harass not any living being

Pain! How bad is this? The very word makes us experience distress. Who would like to have pain? None. Continue reading “Do not harass” »

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As fearless as a Lion

As fearless as a Lion

सीहो व सद्देण न संतसेज्जा

Be fearless as a lion; fear not the words

How fearless is the lion! He is not afraid of the elephant’s trumpet. Though, his body is much smaller than the elephant, still, his bravery, his courage awakens praiseworthy fearlessness in him which makes him careless about the trumpet also. Similarly, brave men also are not afraid of opponent’s challenge; those who fear, they are not brave; they are cowards. Continue reading “As fearless as a Lion” »

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One who does whatever he says

One who does whatever he says

करणसच्चे वट्टमाणे जीवे
जहावाई तहाकारी या वि भवइ

An ideal man does as he says

The one who does not commit sins himself; neither has them done through others, nor approve of them, he is an ideal man. Such a gentleman’s behavior is pure and true. There is identity of purpose in his action of mind, speech and body. Continue reading “One who does whatever he says” »

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Attachment and Desire

Attachment and Desire

वीयरागयाएणं नेहाणुबंधणाणि,
तण्हाणुबंधणाणि य वोच्छिन्दइ

Detachment destroys the bondage of attachment and desire

Aversion is a fault worth abandoning. Attachment is opposite of aversion but still it is also a fault and worth renouncing like aversion. Continue reading “Attachment and Desire” »

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