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Anubhava! Hum tō rāvarī dāsī

Listen to Anubhava! Hum tō rāvarī dāsī

Anubhava! Hama tō rāvarī dāsī,
Ā’i kahātēṁ māyā mamatā,
jānuṁ na kahāṁ kī vāsī?


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Don’t be un-vigilant

Don’t be un vigilant

समयं गोयम ! मा पमायए

O Goutama! Don’t be un-vigilant even for a moment

Goutamaswami, who was the principal disciple of Mahavira swami, chief amongst group leaders, was advised not to be un-vigilant even for a moment while treading the path of self-progress. This inspiration given to him more than two thousand five hundred years ago is available to us even today, through the scriptures. How significant is this! Continue reading “Don’t be un-vigilant” »

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Do not speak in between

Do not speak in between

राइणियस्स भासमाणस्स वा
वियागरेमाणस्स वा नो अन्तरा भासं भासिज्ज

When elders (gurus) are speaking, preaching, then we should not speak in between

Virtue only is a real gem, not the shining stones. For those who are more qualified than us, ‘ratna’ (gem) word is used in the scriptures. When gurus who are more qualified are speaking, discussing or preaching then it is the duty of a humble disciple that he does not speak in-between. Continue reading “Do not speak in between” »

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Ticket, Tax or Talent…Stealing anything is bad

Ticket, Tax or Talent...Stealing anything is bad

Evading tax is a punishable offence

(I)“My god… you are so careless.” “Why what happened?” “You could have taken a half ticket for your son by not revealing his true age!” “What would I get by doing so?” “Oh! You could have saved money.” “How much I would have saved?” “Nearly 100 rupees.” “I don’t want to save money in this way. It is like stealing.” “But why?” Continue reading “Ticket, Tax or Talent…Stealing anything is bad” »

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Destroyer of friends

Destroyer of friends

माया मित्ताणि नासेइ

Deception destroys friendship

Here deception means cunning or treachery. Like anger destroys love and pride annihilates humility, similarly deception also destroys friends. Continue reading “Destroyer of friends” »

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Motivational Wallpaper #17

श्वेतांबर हो या दिगंबर हो, बुद्ध हो या अन्य कोई मतवादी हो,
मगर…जो समभाव से भावित आत्मा होगी, वह मोक्ष प्राप्त करेगी| उसमे कोई शंका नहीं

Standard Screen Widescreen Mobile
800×600 1280×720 iPad-Horizontal
1024×768 1280×800 iPad-Vertical
1400×1050 1440×900
1600×1200 1920×1080  

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Ilachiputra didn’t confess in his previous birth

Ilachiputra didnt confess in his previous birth
There was a brahmin named Agnisharma in Vasantpur town. He took vows along with his wife Priyamati. Their mutual attachment remained as before for which they didn’t confess. Continue reading “Ilachiputra didn’t confess in his previous birth” »

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Experience of Detachment

Experience of Detachment

तण्हा हया जस्स न होइ लोहो,
लोहो हओ जस्स न किंचणाइ

One who is not greedy, his desires are eliminated and he who is desireless, his greed is eliminated

Kincana means something. The one, who understands that in this world, there is nothing that belongs to him, who thinks that when he takes birth, he never brings anything with him and after the death, nothing will go with him – all the wealth, land, home etc., will be left behind. One who knows that barring the soul every thing is perishable, momentary, one who is attached to nothing is called Akincana. Continue reading “Experience of Detachment” »

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Self-criticism is a must for all

Self criticism is a must for all

जह सुकुसलो वि विज्जो अन्नस्स
कहेइ अत्तणो वाहि|
एवं जाणगस्स वि सल्लुद्धरणं परसगासे॥
A skillful doctor also discloses his disease to another doctor, likewise the guru who knows the atonement should also confess before his seniors. Thus preceptors, saints, followers of Jainism, all should observe self-criticism. One cannot be pious without self-criticism. The harm of not making self-criticising :– Those sufferings which do not occur due to poison or weapons or arrows, are caused by deceitful afflictions hidden inside the heart. By hiding the sins Rukmani had to take birth for 1,00,000 times on this earth. Poison kills only once but due to the hidden sins, one has to face death thousands of times. It is said in the scriptures. Continue reading “Self-criticism is a must for all” »

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