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The Chha Gau Feri-Pradakshina

The Chha Gau Feri Pradakshina
Chha in Gujarati means six and Gau means two miles i,e three kilometres. Pheri means going round.

Thousands and many time lakhs of people come here on Phalgun Sukla 13 and go round the holy hill on foot. Continue reading “The Chha Gau Feri-Pradakshina” »

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Profit and Loss

Profit and Loss

लाभुत्ति न मज्जिज्जा, अलाभुत्ति न सोइज्जा

One should not be ecstatic at profit and sad at loss

Efforts result in two-way consequences only – profit or loss. Successful efforts result in profits and unsuccessful efforts in loss. Profits encourage working more and losses discourage; but in both the situations, one more bad result emanates. Continue reading “Profit and Loss” »

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Do not loose temper

Do not loose temper

अणुसासिओ न कुप्पिज्ज

Discipline should not make you angry

Parents and gurus are elder to us and more experienced. They always try to reform us, keep us away from evil path and continuously try to lead us on the virtuous path. In this connection they criticize us many times, tell our mistakes and advice us to keep away from them. A repeated mistake invites their censure and criticism. Continue reading “Do not loose temper” »

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Destroyer of love

Destroyer of love

कोहो पीइं पणासेइ

Anger demolishes love

Love and anger do not stay together at any place. When anger is there, love will not be there and where love will be, anger will not be there. Both are opposite of each other, killer of one another. Continue reading “Destroyer of love” »

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Gift of life

Gift of life

दाणाण सेट्ठं अभयप्पयाणं

To give life is the best donation

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Bhagwan Parshvanath – Janma Kalyanak

Bhagwan Parshvanath - Chyavan Kalyanak

Date: 20th December, 2011
Tithi: Paush Dashami

In the city of Varanasi, Asvasena of the Ikshvaku-family was the king there who had a wife named Vama.

On the fourth of the black half of Chaitra, (the moon being) in Visakha, having fallen, at night Shri Parshvanath descended into Queen Vama’s womb. Then she saw the 14 great dreams indicating a Tirthankar’s birth enter her mouth. Continue reading “Bhagwan Parshvanath – Janma Kalyanak” »

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Restraint and Happiness

Restraint and Happiness

अप्पं दंतो सुही होई,
अस्सिं लोए परत्थ य

One who controls self; he only gets happiness in this world and the next

Restraint is the source of happiness. Controlling all the mental propensity is restraint. Mental tendencies are fickle – momentary. Who can keep control over them? Continue reading “Restraint and Happiness” »

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Motivational Wallpaper #43

जैसे व्यवहार की तुम दूसरों से अपेक्षा रखते हो, वैसा ही व्यवहार तुम दूसरों के प्रति करो

Standard Screen Widescreen
800×600 1280×720
1024×768 1280×800
1400×1050 1440×900
1600×1200 1920×1080  

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Body renunciation

Body renunciation

वोसिरे सव्वसो कायं, न मे देहे परीसहा

I renounce love of body completely; there is nothing like body hardships

‘Kausagga’ is a Jaina word, which is called ‘Kayotsarga’ in Sanskrita. This is made from kaya + utsarga. Body is called ‘kaya’ and renunciation is called ‘utasarga’ but it does not mean renunciation of the body. It means renunciation of love of the body. Concentration for meditation is possible only after kayotsarga. Continue reading “Body renunciation” »

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Ask your beating heart

Sorry, this entry is only available in हिंदी.

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