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Dēkhō ēka apūrava khēlā

Listen to Dēkhō ēka apūrava khēlā

Dēkhō ēka apūrava khēlā,
Āpahī bājī āpahī bājīgara
Āpa guru āpa cēlē.


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Sādhō bhā’ī! Samatā raṅga ramījē

Listen to Sādhō bhā’ī! Samatā raṅga ramījē

Sādhō bhā’ī! Samatā raṅga ramījē,
Avadhū! Mamatā saṅga na kījē,
Sādhō bhā’ī! Samatā raṅga ramījē.
Sampatti nāhi nāhi mamatā mēṁ
ramatā rāma samēṭē,
Khāṭa pāṭa tajī lākha
khaṭā’u anta khākha mēṁ lēṭē.


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As you sow so shall you reap

Temptation leads to repentance

We never realize that what we are doing will one day come back to us. We always have to pay for our deeds. If you do bad things, you will get bad results in the future and if you do good things, you will get good results in the future. Below is a short depicting this. Continue reading “As you sow so shall you reap” »

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Keep away from misconduct

Keep away from misconduct

कुसीलवड्ढणं ठाणं, दूरओ परिवज्जए

All causes promoting misconduct must be avoided

Sheel means one’s nature. One whose nature is good, praiseworthy, he is called good-natured. One who wants that people should love him, admire him, he will always try to become and remain amiable. Continue reading “Keep away from misconduct” »

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Jiv Vichar – Gatha 3-4

Jiv Vichar - Gatha 3-4

Gatha 3

फलिहमणिरयण विद्दुम,
हिंगुल हरियाल मणसिलरसिंदा|
कणगाई घाउ सेढी, वन्निय अरणेट्टय पलेवा||

Gatha 4

अब्भय तूरी ऊसं, मट्टी-पाहाण-जाईओ णेगा|
सोवीरंजण लुणाई, पुढविभेआई ईच्चाई||

PRUTHVIKAYA : Pruthvikaya jiva are living beings having earth, soil, minerals, etc as their own bodies, also known as earthly bodies. Continue reading “Jiv Vichar – Gatha 3-4” »

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Speak not the secret

Speak not the secret

जं छं तं न वत्तव्वं
That which is secret must be kept confidential.Only at the right time or opportunity revelation of secret is proper. Continue reading “Speak not the secret” »

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A Spring Festival

A Spring Festival
One day, when Spring, the abode of love, had come, the Lord went to a garden to please his retinue. There in a bower of flowers, the Master of the World, adorned with ornaments of flowers, sat like Spring personified. The Laksmi of Spring, as it were, gave welcome to the Lord of the World by humming bees intoxicated by the juice of blossoming mango-trees. An overture, as it were, being performed by cuckoos singing the fifth note, the wind from Malaya, the leader of the dance, showed the dance of the creepers. Continue reading “A Spring Festival” »

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Mērī tuṁ mērī tuṁ kānhī ḍarēra

Listen to Mērī tuṁ mērī tuṁ kānhī ḍarēra

Mērī tuṁ mērī tuṁ kānhī ḍarēra, mērī
Kahē cētana samatā suni ākhara,
aura daiḍha dina jūṭha larērī.


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Neither love, nor hate

Neither love, nor hate

सव्वं जगं तु समयाणुपेही,
पियमप्पियं कस्स वि नो करेज्जा

One who sees the entire world with equanimity, he neither favors nor disfavors anyone

Feelings are the inspiring agents of all our actions. If they are pure, then all our actions will be pure and if they are impure then our actions will be impure. Continue reading “Neither love, nor hate” »

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