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Shri Haribhadrasuri

Shri Haribhadrasuri
Acharya Haribhadrasuri, a great author with powerful personality, had written many books in Sanskrit and Prakrit. His versatile scholarship, unmatched knowledge, acute critical faculty and mastery of language have earned for him a distinguished place in the history of Indian literature. The 1444 books deemed to have been written by him are regarded as the most valuable treasure of knowledge of the Jain religion. He was the first commentator of the Agamas (Jain canonical literature) and through his books he blazed a new trail in meditation. Continue reading “Shri Haribhadrasuri” »

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Cannot be free of bondage

Cannot be free of bondage

न यावि मोक्खो गुरुहीलणाए

One who neglects guru can never get liberated

Dependence is bondage; independence salvation. Happiness is in being free, not in captivity. It is said that a dependent person can never be happy even in dream. Continue reading “Cannot be free of bondage” »

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Ask and then take

Ask and then take

अणुविय गेण्हियव्वं

Anything must be taken with permission only

Taking anything without asking and using that is a type of theft. Jokingly, few people hide friends’ things and while he is disturbed and searches for that, they laugh and return the same to him. Continue reading “Ask and then take” »

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Identifying Nigod

Sorry, this entry is only available in हिंदी.

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Motivational Wallpaper #4

महान चरित्र का निर्माण महान और उज्जवल विचारों से होता है

Standard Screen Widescreen Mobile
800×600 1280×720 iPad-Vertical
1024×768 1280×800 iPad-Horizontal
1400×1050 1440×900
1600×1200 1920×1080  

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Serve your parents

Serve your parents

Always take care of your parents whole heartedly

(I) A young man tells his friend, “Old people are a menace. They remain idle, talk non-sense, and interfere in our lives. They should be disposed off like garbage or sold like a pile of old news papers and clothes.” His friend replied, “Don’t worry; by the time you get old I will create such a service.” Continue reading “Serve your parents” »

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Humility towards Guru

Humility towards Guru

जस्संतिए धम्मपयाइं सिक्खे,
तस्संतिए वेणइयं पउंजे

From whomsoever one would have learnt religious lessons (pada); towards them, he should behave humbly

Pada means words. Religious pada means such words from which religious education is acquired. Such words are found in scriptures; hence, those who, explain scriptures are called religious gurus. Continue reading “Humility towards Guru” »

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Rest on the way

Rest on the way

संसयं खलु सो कुणइ
जो मग्गे कुणई घरं

He only doubts the devotion who wants to rest on the path

Moksha is our final goal and good conduct and good deeds is the path that takes us there. Continue reading “Rest on the way” »

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