Shri Abhinandan Jina Stavan
Rāga: Bhairavī
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Prabhu! Tērē nayanakī balihārī
Avoid un-vigilance
Wisemen should not be un-vigilant
Exposition of the Carvaka system (Materialist)
Then Sambhinnamati, like the night before the new moon, a heap of darkness of exceeding wrong belief, whose mind was like poison, said: “Well said! Well said! Svayambuddha. You desire the Master’s welfare, for intention is inferred from speech like food from vomiting. Only hereditary ministers like you, no others, speak thus for the pleasure of the Master who is always sincere and gracious. Continue reading “Exposition of the Carvaka system (Materialist)” »
Prītama māharō rē
Śrī R̥ṣabhadēva Jina Stavan
Rāga: Māru – ”karama parīkṣā karaṇa kumāra cālyō…” Ē dēśī
R̥ṣabha jinēsara prītama māharō rē,
ōra na cāhuṁ rē kanta;
Rījhyō sāhiba saṅga na pariharē rē,
bhāṅgē sādi ananta.
Saraswati Mandir
During the Shatrunjaya tirthyatra (climbing up), leaving the steps and just walking 30 feet on far right on serpentile foot path, we come across a little room type temple of Jain Saraswati Devi, the Goddess of Knowledge. Continue reading “Saraswati Mandir” »
Manamēṁ hī vairāgī
Rāga: Pahēlē dina bahu ādara āṇī āśāvarī
Bhāva: Sansāranā sukha bhōga vaccē cakravatū bharata mahārājānī vairāgya sādhanā
Manamēṁ hī vairāgī, bharatajī;
manamēṁ hī vairāgī;
Sahasa batrīśa muguṭa bandha rājā,
sēvā karē vaḍa bhāgī.
Cōsaṭha sahasa antē’urī jākē,
Tōhī na huvā anurāgī.
Bharata manamēṁ hī vairāgī
Refutation of Maya – Part 2
One day, the gods came to a garden outside the city to honor Muni Silandhara who had acquired omniscience. The King was informed about this by Subuddhi and, his mind engraved with faith, went on horseback to the best of munis. After the King had sainted him and had seated himself, the Muni delivered a sermon that was moonlight to the darkness of wrong doctrine. At the end of the sermon, the King with folded hands asked him, ‘Master, to what condition of existence did my father go after death?’ Continue reading “Refutation of Maya – Part 2” »
The first Incarnation of Rishabhdev as the Merchant Dhana – Part 2
Dhana made a march day by day like the sun, looked for by all the people with wide-open eyes. At that time, it was the fiery summer season terrible to travelers, diminishing the water of the ponds and rivers, as well as shortening the nights. Winds that were like fires, thoroughly unbearable, blew, and the sun spread its heat that was like a mass of fire on all sides. The members of the caravans stopped at every tree near a pond and, having entered every water-dispensary, drank much water, and fell (on the ground). Continue reading “The first Incarnation of Rishabhdev as the Merchant Dhana – Part 2” »
Your Cell Phone Is Killing You: Count the Ways
You’ll hit double digits before cancer ever enters the equation.
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