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Life of an Elephant and a Kunthu (insect)

Life of an Elephant and a Kunthu (insect)

हत्थिस्स य कुन्थुस्स य समे चेव जीवे

Soul is same as in an elephant and a kunthu

Animate and inanimate, with conscience and without conscience, self and other are different entities. They support each other, but are not converted into one another. An animate will remain an animate and an inanimate will remain an inanimate only. Continue reading “Life of an Elephant and a Kunthu (insect)” »

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Even today, the rite of Confession exists

Even today, the rite of Confession exists
If anyone says that nowdays neither confession nor person advising atonement exists, then that person wanders for infinite births. The ‘Achara Kalpa’ and ‘Vyavahara sutra’ extracted from the third vastu of the ninth purva and dedicated selfless gurus are still existing. The soul becomes lighter by taking atonement from masters just as a labourer feels relaxed after letting off weight from his head. It is said in Vanditasutra that,

Kayapavo vi manusso,
aaloiya nindiya gurusagase
Hoi aereg a lahuo,
aohriya bharuvva bharvaho
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Motivational Wallpaper #46

ईश्वर से अधिक निकटतम कोई वस्तु नहीं

Standard Screen Widescreen Mobile
800×600 1280×720 iPhone
1024×768 1280×800 iPad
1400×1050 1440×900
1600×1200 1920×1080  

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Don’t judge a book by its cover

Dont judge a book by its cover

The blessings of elders increase knowledge

Dirty photos, posters of films, pictures of hero and heroine should not be put up in a classroom, stuck on books and used as book covers. Always remember God before reading. Blessings of elders bring peace and concentration in your heart. Continue reading “Don’t judge a book by its cover” »

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Bhaktamar Stotra – Shloka 1

Mudyōtakaṁ dalita-pāpa-tamō-vitānam |
Samyak praṇamya jinapādayugaṁ yugādā -
Vālambanaṁ bhavajalē patatāṁ janānām || 1 ||

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Reasons of quality loss

Reasons of quality loss

चउहिं ठाणेहिं सन्ते गुणे नासेज्जा कोहेणं,
पडिनिवेसेणं, अकयण्णुयाए, मिच्छत्ताभिनिवेसेणं

Inherent qualities of a man are lost due to four reasons : anger, envy, ingratitude and perversion

Some reasons are such, which cause the loss of inherent attributes. First among them is – anger. This makes the man lose his discretion, he gets perplexed. Continue reading “Reasons of quality loss” »

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Paryushan Mahaparva – Day 3

Sorry, this entry is only available in हिंदी.

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Sadhvi Yakini Mahattara

Sadhvi Yakini Mahattara
Two disciples of Acharya Haribhadrasuriji, namely Hans and Paramhans were killed at the hands of followers of other religion. Acharyashri suffered great mental commotion. The shock of the killing of his loving disciples caused a sense of revenge in him. Acharyashri decided to kill 1444 students and lecturers of Bauddha Vihar by roasting them alive in boiling oil. Anger and revenge leave no place for discretion. Continue reading “Sadhvi Yakini Mahattara” »

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Fear not

Fear not

ण भाइयव्वं, भीतं खु भया अइंति लहुयं

One should not be afraid; fear comes fast to the fearful

He only fears who is guilty, sinner or killer. Thieves and immoral characters are always fearful since they do not want others to see them anywhere, anytime and not be caught red handed in their respective acts. A liar is also afraid of the truth coming out, fearful of the loss of belief in him. Their fear is for good; because it saves them from committing sins. Continue reading “Fear not” »

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Restraint and penance

Restraint and penance

संजमेणं तवसा अप्पाणं
भावमाणे विहरइ

An ascetic travels while thinking of purifying the soul with restraint and penance

Perverted soul attached to aversion and passion, taking the refuge of a body, wanders aimlessly in this world. This wandering cannot be over until affliction, which forces this wandering about is eradicated. Continue reading “Restraint and penance” »

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