Craving for the world is like the frightful creeper which gives horrible results
Renunciation of the world
भवतण्हा लया वुत्ता, भीमा भीमफलोदया
Craving or attachment for the world is like a creeper, a terrible creeper on which awful fruits grow. Continue reading “Renunciation of the world” »
Done-Not done
कडं कडेत्ति भासेज्जा, अकडं नो कडेत्ति य
What has been done should be said as done; and what has not been done should be said as not done
अहिंसा तसथावरसव्वभूयखेमंकरी
Non-violence is benevolent for all the living beings, mobile and immobile
Ideal speech
सच्चं च हियं च मियं च गाहणं च
Speak what is true, benevolent, concise and understandable
Avadhū! Kyā māguṁ gunahīnā
Avadhū! Kyā māguṁ gunahīnā?
Vē gunaganana pravīnā,
Avadhū! Kyā māguṁ gunahīnā?
Gāya na jānuṁ bajāya
na jānuṁ na jānuṁ surabhēvā,
Rījha na jānuṁ rījhāya
na jānuṁ na jānuṁ padasēvā.
सव्वत्थ भगवया अनियाणया पसत्था
Lord Mahavira has praised selflessness everywhere
Blind Struggles, Dog Eats
ए हरंति तं वित्तं, कम्मी कम्मेहिं किच्चति
Earned wealth is enjoyed by others; miser has to pay for the sins committed
Who is free ?
विमुत्ता हु ते जणा, जे जणा पारगामिणो
Those who have crossed desires, they only are truly free