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Rayan Pagala

Rayan Pagala
Under the holy tree, we see here huge yellow foot prints of Lord Adinath covered with silver at the exact place where Lord himself sat and gave sermon. Hence Lord Adinath is ubiquitous here. Its pratistha was done by Karmasha in VS 1587.

Facing Rayan, moving our eyes just a little left, we see a pavement wall with marble-carvings of peacock and snake, lion and goat etc.

You may ask why these creatures hating each other are carved here ?

There is a history and a hidden meaning behind it.

Once, a snake and a peacock came here battling. Elephant and Lion came here fighting.

A saint seated here, calmed them saying. O Living beings ! Anger and hatred are sins and doing sin at this holy hill is very-very bad. So calm yourself.” Hearing this their anger alienated.

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  1. Hitesh
    Feb 22, 2020 #

    What is the exact meaning of RAYAN PAGLA?

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