Moksha (liberation) is possible through restraining of desires
Restraining the desires
Four followers (sravakas)
पडागसमाणे, ठाणुसमाणे, खरकंटगसमाणे
Devotees are of four kinds: like a mirror (of pure heart), like a flag (with a fickle mind), like a stump (perverted) and like a thorn (abusive)
An opportunity for self improvement
An opportunity for self-improvement is got with difficulty
Age is depleting
As the hawk kills the quail in one stroke, so also after completion of age, death takes away life
How wicked is the evil word
वेराणुबंधीणि महब्भयाणि
Evil and harshly uttered words cause enmity and fear for ages
Find The Truth Through Experience
Find the truth yourself
The detached aspirant
जहा से सुक्कगोलए
As a ball made of dry mud, detached aspirant is not attached
Scriptures and religious conduct
Religion has two forms – scriptural (knowledge of reality) and conduct (morality)
Wish for quality growth
Until you are not dead, wish for quality growth
Everyone desires for sense gratification but wise men aspire for value growth. Continue reading “Wish for quality growth” »
Blood stains cannot be washed with blood
पक्खालिज्जमाणस्स णत्थि सोही
Blood smeared cloth be washed only with blood, then it is not washed cleanly.