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Free from bondage

Free from bondage

एस वीरे पसंसिए, जे बद्धे पडिमोयए

That brave one only becomes praiseworthy who liberates the bonded

With a sword man can also cut his own hands and legs and others’ bondage too; he can slap others and help them too. Similarly, one who is strong he can utilize his energy for good purposes and evil also. Strength is also like a sword, a weapon – an instrument. Praise and contempt both can be earned through that.

Who will praise the man who uses his power for increasing others’ woes, keeps them in bondage? It is certain that he will be condemned everywhere.

Conversely, who frees others, his power gets him admiration from all quarters. Lord Mahvira has said that if you are strong, if you posses attributes of courage, then liberate others.

- Acaranga Sutra 1/2/5

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