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श्री सिद्धगिरिराज की यात्रा में करने के पाँच चैत्यवंदन

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  1. Harsh Jain
    नव॰ 2, 2015 #

    Jai Jinendra,
    can you please provide above 5 chaityavadana of sidhgiri written in hindi.
    or in some audio pattern.
    that would be more easy to learn and understand .
    because translation from English to Hindi/Sanskrit leads some words error.

    नव॰ 14, 2019 #

    Jai Jinendra,
    can you please provide above 5 chaityavadana of sidhgiri written in hindi.

    that would be more easy to learn and understand .
    because translation from English to Hindi/Sanskrit leads some words error.

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